Emmitt White


2023 EUREKA! 2023 Logo

2023 Challenge In 2023, students collaborated with the American Red Cross to develop strategies aimed at attracting a diverse volunteer workforce for the Disaster Action Team and the Home Fire Campaign, focusing on enhancing emergency response and fire safety in diverse communities. 2023 Facilitators Rebecca Julifs (she/her) Rebecca is a recent graduate from RIT with […]



2022 CHALLENGE ROC/RECHARGE Students worked to help CP Rochester with strategies to attract more highly qualified applicants to our vacant positions in Children’s and Residential Programs and to retain our current front line employees at a higher retention rate. FACILITATORS Chris Flemming (he/him) Chris Flemming is an RIT Industrial Design alum from the class of […]


2021 Eureka Logo

EUREKA EVENT PHOTOS 2021 Challenge ROC/REFUGE Washington Grove is a hidden gem urban park that is located in the Cobbs Hill Park in Rochester. The Friends of Washington Grove would like our ideas to increase awareness among city residents about this natural resource, and to educate and inform residents about the many benefits to experiencing […]

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