2023 Challenge In 2023, students collaborated with the American Red Cross to develop strategies aimed at attracting a diverse volunteer workforce for the Disaster Action Team and the Home Fire Campaign, focusing on enhancing emergency response and fire safety in diverse communities. 2023 Facilitators Rebecca Julifs (she/her) Rebecca is a recent graduate from RIT with […]
Category: ARCHIVE
2022 CHALLENGE ROC/RECHARGE Students worked to help CP Rochester with strategies to attract more highly qualified applicants to our vacant positions in Children’s and Residential Programs and to retain our current front line employees at a higher retention rate. FACILITATORS Chris Flemming (he/him) Chris Flemming is an RIT Industrial Design alum from the class of […]
EUREKA EVENT PHOTOS 2021 Challenge ROC/REFUGE Washington Grove is a hidden gem urban park that is located in the Cobbs Hill Park in Rochester. The Friends of Washington Grove would like our ideas to increase awareness among city residents about this natural resource, and to educate and inform residents about the many benefits to experiencing […]
This year we were excited to partner with the Veterans Outreach Center to facilitate greater involvement and help veterans and soldiers in the Rochester area get access to the programs and services they need. Our challenge: How can we help the VOC to create new offerings to attract younger veterans/soldiers? The VOC’s mission is to […]
What’s a collaboration without a cause? This year we were excited to be working with Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services to help facilitate social change and support our local refugee community. Our challenge was to help RRRS look at ways to improve space utilization and also propose ideas for products that could be manufactured by participants using […]
Maplewood YMCA The prompt for the Eureka! event was how can we enhance the ageless program design to appeal to and de-stigmatize younger and older populations to increase their participation at the Maplewood YMCA? This year we teamed up with the Maplewood YMCA as part of United Way. Even more exciting, this year’s EUREKA! was […]
Foodlink We were invited to help FoodLink streamline some of their “backstage” processes to help them get more food out to more people in less time. This was an exciting, real-world design problem that has multiple dimensions. FoodLink was excited to harness the power of so many different types of designers to make their food […]
How can we help city youth make healthy life choices? This year’s theme: ROC/RECWe worked with the City of Rochester Recreation Centers and their high school audience. This experience exposed RIT students to the challenges and opportunities of the City of Rochester and its residents, and introduced city youth to new possibilities in terms of […]
The Project M Design Blitz at RIT Think Wrong, Do Right, and Make it Legendary! The RIT Project M Blitz was the first interdisciplinary collaborative event for the School of Design. The theme of the Design Blitz was “Gowntown”, to find new ways to connect students on the suburban RIT campus with the people, places, […]