Washington Grove is a hidden gem urban park that is located in the Cobbs Hill Park in Rochester. The Friends of Washington Grove would like our ideas to increase awareness among city residents about this natural resource, and to educate and inform residents about the many benefits to experiencing and appreciating nature.

Listed below are the five paths you will be asked to select from for this year’s event. Additionally, you will find information provided from our Friends at Washington Grove. This will give you more info and insight to help you better choose which two paths you’ll select for the event.

You will be provided data collected by Urban Ecologists, students in high school who go to the park regularly and know all about the park visitors.

It’s highly encouraged that you read through all the documents to truly understand what the park is trying to achieve and what it needs from our EUREKA! teams.

Path 1: Curating the Forest
How can we help park visitors better understand the connections between themselves and the plant and animal communities in the Grove?

Path 2: Forest Bathing
How can we inform, encourage, and educate the public about the many mental and physical health benefits to connecting to nature and the outdoors?

Path 3: Networking and Outreach
How can we engage Grove users and prospective users more effectively to understand, appreciate, utilize, respect, and advocate for green space in Rochester?

Path 4: Physical and Social Topography
How can we re-conceptualize the use of green space in the Grove for multi-use and utilize current strategies used in other green spaces in the Grove?

Path 5: Human-made Assets
How can we leverage the two steel tanks beside Washington Grove as an integrated asset or as a separate entity to be enjoyed by the public?